Not listed items - Blacklisted manually (by keyword)

Learn what to do when your items are not listed due to Blacklisted manually (by keyword). This will be visible from the Not listed items section in your Webinterpret Dashboard. You can fix this directly from your Webinterpret Dashboard. 

Topics in this article:


Blacklisted manually (by keyword) explained

If your listings are blocked due to Blacklisted manually (by keyword), this means that your listings contain terms that have been manually blacklisted using the Blacklist feature in the Webinterpret Dashboard.


How to fix Blacklisted manually (by keyword)

You can remove terms that have been added to the Blacklist feature by clicking the trash icon beside Blacklisted keywords.

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 3.41.30 PM.png

You can also remove items that have been blacklisted from a specific category by contacting Webinterpret Support.