Not listed items - No condition

Learn what to do when your items are not listed due to No condition. This will be visible from the Not listed items section in your Webinterpret Dashboard. You can fix this directly from your eBay or Webinterpret Dashboard. 

Topics in this article:


eBay requirement for specified conditions

Most international eBay marketplaces require items to have one of the following specified conditions:

  • New
  • New with defects
  • Used
  • Refurbished


No condition explained

If your listings are not listed due to No condition, this means that your listings do not have any condition set in eBay.

You can fix this through either of the following options:

  • Contact Webinterpret Support to add a condition that will be applied to all of your international listings, or
  • Add conditions to your items directly within your eBay Dashboard.