Why use SKUs on eBay?

In this article you will learn why it's good practice to add SKUs to your original eBay items, especially the ones with variations. 

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Why use SKUs? 

Though not mandatory, it’s good practice to add SKUs (stock-keeping units) to your original eBay items, especially items with variations. Many stock management tools like ChannelAdvisor automatically add them to your original items.

In WebInterpret’s case, SKUs are used to speed up the stock synchronization and price update process of internationally listed items.

If you have items with missing SKUs, we advise adding them by following this Help Center guide. If you do not use SKUs, please remember that our system will automatically add them to your original and international listings.

Modifying SKUs

WebInterpret SKUs look as follows: wi_item-id_variation-order

Please note that you may modify original SKUs. Our system will not overwrite your changes. We will, however, re-apply SKUs to your original or internationally listed items if you remove them. For more information on how third-party listing tools use SKUs, check this eBay API doc.