This article shows how to make the most of your listing item specifics. How to get the most attention from international buyers, how to ensure they are getting the most accurate translations and brand information. Optimizing item specifics can increase sales whilst also ensuring minimal order returns as buyers receive exactly what they ordered.
Topics in this article:
Offering your brands on international marketplaces
eBay are continuing to enforce policies on item specifics, especially regarding brand item specifics. To ensure your original items are accepted on your domestic eBay site means Webinterpret can appropriately list your items on international marketplaces.
As Webinterpret translates your product titles & descriptions, this will also include translation of brand names that have NOT been added to item specifics and more specifically the field marked Brand Name.
The benefits of adding brand names to item specifics are clear. You ensure, with a minimum effort, that all International listings offered by Webinterpret maintain the unique brand names/titles customers are looking for, therefore increasing the viability and visibility of your listing.
Brand names and titles are all managed within your eBay account itself. Therefore if your original item includes the brand name within item specifics, then our localization program recognizes the importance of retaining the original Brand, and makes the best use of it within the translated titles and descriptions offered Internationally.
To ensure your brands are offered appropriately and accurately on all international marketplaces, you can use these guides from eBay which provide all the information you need.
eBay Product Identifiers Article
Accepted domestic brand item specifics
If your brand item specifics are not accepted for your domestic site, we will not be able to list (or successfully update) such an item as we utilize the original listing for localization.
Please note these qualifications from eBay to ensure listings are validated (related to brand item specifics).
Brand item specifics value format is validated based on the following criteria:
- brand value cannot only have special characters - e.g. *&#@,
- brand value need to be valid and cannot have values like: "new", "other", "brand", "value brand", "brand new", "100% brand new", "new brand", "approved vendor", "100% new", "others", "made in china", "see description“ etc.
- brand format checking will be invoked regardless if brand is a mandatory or custom item specifics
- Brand will be checked when adding an new item, revising an existing item and relisting an ended item
Note: eBay always suggests that you provide the brand in <ItemSpecifics>.
Whenever you provide them in <ProductListingDetails> and <ItemSpecifics>, make sure the values match.
This article which is available directly on eBay's help pages, will provide additional qualification to ensure your listings are supported appropriately.
To ensure your listings do not contain any invalid brand terms, you may check this PDF which provides a list of the current terms not permitted to be included in brand Fields.