In this article you will learn about the Bulk Request Tool. You will find out how to access it and why it can be useful.
Topics in this article:
Bulk Request Tool - general information
Our new Bulk Request Tool allows you to send selected items to translation and list them on chosen international eBay sites from your Webinterpret Dashboard under the following link.
Bulk Request Tool - how it works
Here's how it works:
1. Please log in to your Webinterpret Dashboard and go to: More ->Bulk request or use this link.
2. Paste selected original eBay item IDs (12-digit number) separated by commas (in a column or rows). Within one request you can send up to 500 items for translation. Once it is processed, you can add further items. Click Submit.
NOTE: Please take into consideration the limit of items to be listed free from insertion fees on international eBay sites available within your eBay Subscription.
You will find more about insertion fees on international eBay sites in the following article.
3. Select countries you would like to list items in. By default all your active eBay sites will be selected, you can unselect them using the switches.
4. Items should be processed within several minutes, depending on the amount, followed by a summary. If some items cannot be listed you will see the reasons in the summary.
The new items should be listed internationally within a couple of hours, depending on the translation queue.