In this article you will learn about changes in the Return Policy for International Listings on Amazon. You will also find out what it means for Webinterpret users who fulfill their own orders.
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Message from Amazon
Some sellers have been receiving messages from Amazon that merchants selling on international sites require to either pay for shipping on all returns or provide a local return address. The deadline to meet this policy is March 12, 2015. Please note that nothing has changed in Amazon's policies and no action is required from sellers. This is strictly a reminder to make sure sellers deliver an excellent service for their buyers.
The message might look as follows:
Dear Seller,
If you sell on an Amazon marketplace website in a country outside your business location, you should be familiar with our international returns policies.
Customers buying on Amazon expect a consistent and straightforward product return experience. In order to create a consistent return experience, we require all sellers either to 1) provide a local address in their Elected Country for returns, or 2) pay for return shipping on all returns. For example, if you sell on, you must either provide a return address within Canada or provide free return shipping for buyers in Canada.
All sellers, including sellers shipping from a country outside of the marketplace on which they’re selling, must abide by this policy. Failure to meet this requirement by March 12, 2015, may result in the removal of your selling privileges.
To update your local return address in Seller Central, follow these steps:
- On the Settings link, select Account Info.
- On the Seller Account Information page, go to the Return Information section and click Edit.
- Select an existing address as your default return address, or enter a new default return address.
- Click Submit.
To upload a pre-paid return mailing label for a return request, follow these steps:
- On the Orders link, select Manage Returns.
- Click "Authorize Request for the return request you'd like to approve."
- In the "Your return mailing label" section, select "I will provide a pre-paid mailing label for this request."
- Upload a shipping label, select the carrier used, and enter the Tracking ID if you have it.
- Set the return label cost to $0.00 to ensure the buyer is not charged for return shipping.
For more information about creating return mailing labels, search for "Return Addresses and Mailing Labels" in seller Help.
You can find more details on this requirement and review Amazon's additional policies for international sellers on the following Help page:
Important Information for International Sellers
Thank you for taking steps to improve the buyer experience on We appreciate your attention to this policy, and would welcome your feedback. Please email us at
Thank you for selling on Amazon.
It should be noted that this policy only affects sellers who fulfill their own orders. FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) users shouldn't worry about this requirement since Amazon will handle all returns.
What it means for Webinterpret users that fulfill their own orders?
So what does it all mean to Webinterpret users who fulfill their own orders? Simply put, if international returns are not handled properly, Amazon will be obliged to act on the negative feedback of buyers, and that can result in the removal of your seller privileges. Sellers do not need to do anything on their end other than provide great customer service one would expect from Amazon users.
You can use third-party companies, like ones listed below, to offer a return address in a foreign country:
If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact our Support Team.