In this article you will learn about best practices for free shipping. Here you will find information on how the free shipping option works and what you should remember about if you want to implement it.
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Free shipping - introduction
Firstly, let’s start by explaining exactly what the ‘free shipping’ option really means. It does not mean that the seller pays the shipping fee for the customer. What it actually means is that the shipping fee is hidden in the item price, so that customers are presented with a single item price offering free shipping. This results in an offer which is psychologically more attractive to the buyer.
If you choose to apply ‘free shipping’ to your international listings, your products will be advertised as offering free postage. Even though the total cost to the customer is unchanged, this small rearrangement in the way the price structure is presented can lead to an increase of up to 30% in your international sales.
Also, as an added bonus, by offering free shipping, you automatically fulfill one of eBay’s Premium seller requirements.
Free shipping - good to know
But before you go about adding free shipping to all your items, there are a few things to consider. Using the free shipping option is not advisable for all items; therefore it is important to know when to use it.
As a general rule, we would only recommend using the free shipping option when the cost of the shipping is less than 10 Euros.