How to import orders from other ecommerce providers

Learn how to manually import your orders from a variety of ecommerce management providers. This article covers how to prepare your import file (in .csv format), how to upload it to Shipments in the Webinterpret Shipping Dashboard and how to resolve potential data issues. This feature is available for importing orders from Shopify, WooCommerce and more providers.

Topics in this article:


Preparing your import file

Are you selling with Shopify or WooCommerce?

Download your order file straight from your ecommerce provider account, and upload it as-is in Webinterpret Shipping.

Selling on other platforms?

Use our .csv file template to import your orders. Download sample.csv and fill in the file accordingly. This file is also available through the Webinterpret Shipping Dashboard when you click the Import orders button.



Uploading your orders to Webinterpret: steps and video

1. From the Webinterpret Shipping Dashboard, click the Import orders button.2022-07-04_11_43_12-Settings.png


2. A sidebar will appear where you will be asked to drag and drop your file or use the Select file button to upload your .csv file.1.png


3. Once you choose the .csv file to be uploaded, you will see a progress screen.


4. The screen will state the number of orders that were successfully uploaded and those that have failed to upload. For more information about resolving upload issues, see How to resolve data issues (below).

All of your successfully uploaded orders will appear in the New tab, next to an orders import icon.

Note: You can upload more than one order file by clicking the Select file button while other file(s) are being uploaded.


Video: How to import orders from other ecommerce providers (.csv file upload)


How to resolve .csv upload issues

There may be instances when your .csv file does not successfully upload.

After each order is imported, you will see a summary of successfully uploaded orders as well as shipments that have failed to upload. There will be a file that can be downloaded containing all orders that have .csv errors.

Download the file and follow the instructions in the file (under fix the data). Once you have fixed all of the errors, you can re-upload the file again.