This article will list tools and software that are compatible with and will work alongside your Webinterpret account.
Topics in this article:
Third-party tools - overview
Here you can find the list of Third-Party Tools compatible with Webinterpret. We frequently run additional tests to make sure that even compatible tools are synchronized with our software.
We are not responsible for new incompatibilities. Please inform us if a listed tool has issues with Webinterpret by following this guide and contact our Support Team if you decide implement or change your third-party tools. Use extra care if your tool has price management or free shipping features.
To assist further in managing 3rd Party Tools, eBay customers can administer directly from your Webinterpret Dashboard.
The following Third-Party Tools have been been tested positively for compatibility with Webinterpret (please remember to let us know if you wish to implement or change any 3rd party tool)
List of compatible third-party tools (with additional set up)
247TopSeller | |
4Sellers | |
Afterbuy | |
Auctionmaster | |
Auctionstudio | |
Auctiva | |
Blackthorn | |
Channel Grabber | |
ChannelAdvisor (Marketworks)
To connect with ChannelAdvisor we require your Seller Profile ID. Please provide this and we will then be able to connect with the tool and orders will then be synchronized and manageable through your ChannelAdvisor interface directly. |
eFulfilment Transaction Services GmbH | |
Emmida | |
Esellerpro/Volo | eSellerPro is now known under the name of Volo |
Giantsystem | |
Inkfrog | |
Inooga | |
Jshop | |
JTL | |
Linn Systems |
If client cancels their account with Webinterpret and has international listings removed, Linnworks might put them back up, so seller needs to de-synch Linnworks with our listings as soon as they stop cooperating with us. Use this guide for information on how to de-synch Linnworks. If a seller wants to give Webinterpret complete control over select listings (so that Linnworks doesn't update the stocks at all), the following can be done: Go to Settings > Channel Integration > eBay Mapping, then click on View Log and go to the Active tab. From here, you can right click on any listing that you wish to strike off and select Strike Off. Note that you can also import a CSV file, containing the list of listing IDs to strike off listings in bulk. |
Magento/M2epro | |
MIP | |
Monsoon | |
OSCWare | |
Plantymarkets | |
SellerCloud | Ensure that the setting ''Do not revise Non US Listings'' is switched on. The setting is located within the eBay General Settings page of your SellerCloud account. |
Solid Commerce | |
Storefeeder | |
Vendio |
Compatible: | |
4sellers | |
Actindo | |
Ad-lister | |
AFS | |
Aimco | |
Amicron Faktura 11 | |
Amicron Schnittstelle | |
Auctane Shipping Manager | |
Auction Studio | |
Auctiva | |
AuktionMaster | |
Aurora | |
bayorganizer | |
bepok system | |
Bespoke system / eBay API | |
Billbee | |
Blackthorne | |
Blubolt | |
Brickfox | |
Channel Unity | |
ChannelAdvisor | |
ChannelGrabber | |
Citrus Lime | |
Cludes | |
Collmex | |
Connect / Intelligent Retail | |
cubecart | |
Design-a-Store | |
Dreamrobot | |
Dreamweaver | |
E Tail Systems | |
E-Trackit | |
Easybill | |
eazyAuction | |
ebay Smartseller | | | |
ELMS (elms listing management system) | |
Emmedia | |
emMida | |
eSellermanager | |
eSellermania | |
eSellerPro/Volo | eSellerPro is now known under the name of Volo. |
Etope 8 / Etope 7 | |
facilecomm | |
Faktura XL | |
Freetimers | |
Freshworx | |
Frooition | |
garagesale | |
haoxuan lister | |
Highwire | |
iBay365 | |
ICO3 | |
Inforius | |
inkfrog | |
Inooga | |
InterSpire | |
iweb | |
J-Shop | |
Justshipit | |
Listing Factory 2014 | |
Magnalister | |
Magneto | |
Marketplace | |
Mercent | |
Microsoft Dynamics Nav | |
Mintsoft | |
MIP | |
Neteven | Seller needs to contact Neteven to link the UK token. If not, order won't be visible |
Netsuite+FarApp | |
OraMAx | |
OrderWise | |
osCMax (osCommerce variant) | |
Oscware + Lexware | |
ox2bay | |
Packing Partner | |
Pixi | |
Plentymarkets | |
Powergap | |
PrestaBay | |
PrestaBay | |
Prestashop | |
Price Spectre | |
Push Action | |
Sage Software Sage Shop - (is using Afterbuy plugin) | |
Seller dynamics | |
sellercloud | |
Sellermania | |
Sellervantage | |
SellingManagerPro |
Selro | |
shiprush | |
ShipStation | |
Shopping Flux | |
SimpleListing | |
Sixbit | |
Sixworks | |
SoldEazy | |
Steps | |
StoreFeeder | |
Supreme Auction | |
Supreme Lister | |
Supreme Manager | |
Supreme NewMedia | |
T-HUB | |
Teapplix | |
Template Optimiser | |
third party commerce | |
Trade-plug | |
Tradebox | |
Tradebyte | |
Tricoma | |
Turbolister | No longer supported by eBay. Information regarding eBay's decision to remove support is available here |
Vario | |
Veeqo | |
vendio | |
Verkaufsmanager Pro | |
Webgility eCC | |
widshop | |
Wonder Lister | |
yes4trade | |
普源补货精灵 (pu yuan bu huo jing ling) | |
通途 (TongTool) |